Remove Checkmarks and X's from Results Slides in Storyline 360

Apr 12, 2017

Hi -

I'm trying to remove the checks and X's from Review slides. I want the learner to go back to the slide to review the information, not just have a slide that gives the answers. I'm trying to find the Results Slide Properties where I can just unclick the "Show Correct/Incorrect responses when reviewing" and get rid of it. I cannot find where to access the Properties window in Articulate 360. This is from an old Help article. I've already added the Results slide, but even with trying to re-add it, this pop-up doesn't display. Has it been removed or moved?

Thanks so much!





3 Replies
Diana Dayan


I'm also trying to remove the checkmark/"x" and correct/incorrect bars from the review slides.  I have unchecked the "Show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing" box form the Results Slide Options menu, but it is still showing up when I preview.  Screenshots attached.  Please help! Thanks.


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