Report to LRS setting does not generate a tincan.xml file in export

Mar 23, 2023

Greetings, fellow designers.

I am hoping someone can help me with this puzzle. I am new to xAPI and am trying to test the LRS functionality in our LMS. However, when I export the file from Storyline with the Report to an external LRS selected, the export does not contain the tincan.xml file. My LMS expects this file to identify this as an xAPI learning experience and record the interactions.

I have followed these instructions to export for LRS. 

I have tried to import the same zip package into SCORM Cloud, and it does not detect it as an xAPI experience. If I manually enter the LRS connection information in the LRS settings using Verasity Learning and run the training on my computer, it records the interactions successfully.

If I try exporting using the settings in the screenshot below, I am still not able to import it anywhere and have it recognized as an xAPI learning experience. I assumed that would pull the necessary connection data from the LMS.

Screenshot of LRS settings

Do I need to create a tincan.xml file manually? Can anyone help me to understand why Storyline does not create a tincan.xml file? From my research, it seems that at one point, the file was created and included in the zip package, but that is not completely clear. I am not sure when or if that changed. Am I missing any settings?

Thank you in advance for all your help!

2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Spencer, 

Thanks for reaching out!

You'll want to make sure that you're publishing your course according to the steps listed here: 

If you do, you should see the tincan.xml file in the published output, similar to what is shown in this screenshot: 

You can also check out this article for more additional information on implementing xAPI to Support Articulate Content. 

Let me know if you have any questions!