Reporting for multiple quizzes

Jun 16, 2017

Hi Folks!

Looking to breath life into a topic that has been covered. I've seen threads in here from the past, but I think a few of the options have changed, or been moved?

I'm trying to build a module that has four distinct quizzes. Each should  get it's own line on the Results page (or final Results page?)?

In the end I want to have the results emailed to me (showing the grades (or percents) from each quiz. But that can be addressed later ;-)


I'm in the "Results Slide Properties" and can't find anything that allows me to bring in results from more than one quiz.




8 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Karl!

If you were looking to have a master results slide, or results of results, you could certainly do that and have it report to an LMS if needed.

It sounds like you would like the results displayed though, which you can find directions on adding those variable references here.

We do not have an e-mail results feature within the software though, so hopefully someone in the community will be able to chime in and assist you here.

Karl Treat

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for getting back to me :-)

I saw the article "Results of Results" but for the life of me couldn't find this pop-up attached.

But yes, I'd like the results from the four quizzes displayed on the last screen. And yes you have it, in the end I'd like the contents of that last screen to be emailed to me :-) But first things first!

So share with me Leslie! How do I find that pop-up :-)

Karl Treat


I went back to my results slide and I see all four components (the quiz banks), with big question marks in the center. If I shift from "Selected questions"  they go away. I don't see any of them when I shift to "Selected results slides". 


Is it treating them as regular subject matter slides?

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