Restricted Navigation of only certain lessons in Storyline

Jul 08, 2020

Hi All,

I am trying to figure out how can I restrict only certain parts of my course. I do know how to use the Navigation restructions under the Menu option but when I use this my entire course in restricted.

To give a better context, I have 3 review questions and one final exam in the course that I am developing. We want to retrict the navigation to make sure the user takes the review question in sequence and do not jump over. If they do, they will get a pop up reminder to take the previous review question before. How can I do that without actually restricting the navigation of the entire course?

Thank you.


3 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Manisha,

Happy to help here!

When restricting navigation for specific slides, triggers can help with this approach. As an example, you can use a trigger to disable the navigation buttons and have another trigger that changes the navigation buttons back to normal when certain conditions have been met. This guide provides more details on this approach: 

I hope this helps, and please let us know if you have any questions! 

Daniel King

Hi Vincent, 

Thanks for the quick email. I want to use this restricted navigation on the "Review question slides". For example, A user can't attempt "Review 2" unless he/she has not completed "Review 1".  I did try this and figured half way through until "disable" the trigger".  Please see the image attached. I believe the same way the trigger can be "enabled" as well.. I want to add  the above condition that would allow this trigger to work only when user has completed the Review slide. If possible, can you share a demo? Many thanks. 

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