Results layers are not display on questions.

Jul 10, 2021

Good day,

I am having an issues with the correct, incorrect and try again layers appearing in a few courses. I have not used a custom layer, nor have I changed the names. This is happening on graded and freefrom questions as well as on different types, multiple choice, drop and drag, fill in the blank. It is also hit or miss, sometimes one of the three will work, other nothing happens and the slide jumps to the next slide.

Please advise.

Thank you!

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

If you have created feedback answers, this is the expected behavior:

When a correct answer is submitted, the Correct layer will show, and when Continue is clicked, it will jump to the next slide.

When there is more than one attempt chosen, when an incorrect answer is submitted, the Try Again layer will show, and disappear when Try Again is clicked, essentially returning to the quiz.

When all allowed attempts have been exhausted and an incorrect answer is submitted, the Incorrect layer will show, and when Continue is clicked, it will jump to the next slide.

If you are seeing other actions, attaching the offending project here will allow someone a chance to take a closer look.