Results Slide

Aug 06, 2012

I utilized the results slide template to create a results slide, however, when I preview the scene that involves the quiz the results slide doesn't reflect the scores at all.  Both the passing score and the user's result score are blank.  Can someone please explain to me how to make this slide work properly?  I would like the slide to reflect the users score and if the failed, show a failure layer with their score and the score that's required to pass.  If they passed show a success layer with their score.

16 Replies
Karel Wagner

Thank you Dena, 

However, that isn't my problem either. I created the quiz using the free style option and selected a Result slide from the templates. I made sure the Result slide is pulling from the graded questions. Still nothing.   

@Staff, has anyone been able to review the example I provided?

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Karel.

Thank you for sharing your .story file!

Mike's post above helped me figure out the problem with your Results slide since I couldn't replicate what he saw. 

The points for each question are set up in Form View:Windows 10 (1) 2021-10-08 at 1.46.02 PM

You will only receive 10 points if you put all the items in the targets. So the left target needs to have both Yes and No, and the right target needs to have all the other drag items:

Screen Recording 2021-10-08 at 01.47.12 PM

If you only drag Yes and DrugDex 2b in the first question, for example, you will get the Correct slide because you added a trigger to do that, but you will not receive 10 points.

Let me know if that helps!

Karel Wagner

Hi Maria & Mike, 

Thank you so much for looking at this.

I'm a little confused on how to correct it. The user must answer both field correctly to earn points. if any one of the columns are incorrect, they earn zero points. 

It is one choice for each column. Yes or No, and then an type of support. 

Karel Wagner

Wait!!! I think I just figured out what you are saying. OMG! Totally a user error. 

I only need to put the correct answer on the form view. I put all the answers in the Form view so the system is thinking that all of the answers must be in the column, not just the one. 

Let me try that.