Results Slide Variables - Course with No Quiz

May 17, 2024

Hello.  I'm returning to Storyline after a two-year absence and the results slide variables have me baffled.

I have a branching course with a menu for navigation.  The course has no quiz and success is the visitation of each slide. I want to prevent a learner from using the menu to navigate straight to the end of the course and achieve completion.

Any tips on which variables to use on the success and fail layers of the results slide? I've searched the discussions but without luck.

Thanks for your help.

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

You should not insert a Results slide. A Results slide is for scoring graded questions. If you don't have a quiz, the scoring variables aren't used. 

There are two other ways to track completion.

  • When the learner has viewed a designated percentage of the course
  • Using "Complete course" trigger(s)

Here's the User Guide info about publishing for an LMS/LRS: