Resume Button and Accessibility

Aug 14, 2018

I am having an issue with Storyline 360 and the JAWS screen reader. When I exit a presentation before the end, I can come back in the and I get the option to resume. However, I am not able to tab to the resume button and can find no other way to make JAWS read the button.

There are a few other accessibility issues that are not impossible to overcome but make it somewhat difficult for visually disabled people to navigate how they normally would. For example, heading tags would make it easy to jump around within the slide. Also, we can control the tab order within the slide but some of the player items precede the slide content.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. It is possible that I am missing with either Storyline or JAWS because I am new to dealing with accessibility issues but I have seen similar questions on here before. I do appreciate everything that has been done with Storyline to make it accessible. It has gotten me a lot closer than any of the other course authoring tools I have tried.

4 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Stephen,

I appreciate you bringing this up! We're seeing the same thing, and we know it's a huge roadblock for learners who are using JAWS and the tab key to navigate. This issue is a priority for us, and I'll keep you in the loop as we move forward towards a fix. 

As soon as I get new information, I share it with you here!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Stephen and Jeff,

I wanted to pop in to let you know that we just released update 20 for Storyline 360!

One of the fixes addresses an issue where the resume prompt is not accessible with the Tab key.

It includes lots of other improvements too, and you can check them all out here.

Here’s how you can update Storyline 360 to take advantage of everything the latest release has to offer. Let me know how you make out!

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