Resume State and Pausing Last Slide

Mar 10, 2022


I have a question. I have a course that I have all slides set to Resume State, which is working well. However, since I have each slide set to automatically advance when timeline ends, if the user selects the Previous button it goes back but then advances to the next slide automatically. Is there a way to set it where if the user goes back a slide, the slide is paused at the end of the time line so they can review the content on the screen? I've never seemed to run into this issue before, so not sure how to make it where it does resume the state but doesn't auto advance automatically. Any help would be appreciated.

5 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

You could use a triggered variable. For example: 

  • var SlideVisited = False
  • Advance to next slide automatically when timeline ends if SlideVisited = F
  • Set var SlideVisited = True when timeline of the slide ends (or some other trigger that works). 
  • When they return, the slide shouldn't auto advance because the condition is no longer False.

Or you can just let them click to advance and not require all those triggers :)

Tom Kuhlmann

It's a timing issue (which I suspected would happen). Sometimes you can play around with the trigger order, but I think in this case it won't work.

The slide advances before the variable changes. You probably need to move that trigger to the next slide so that it can advance and then change the variable.

For example, you're on slide 21 and going to slide 22.

  • Jump to slide 22 when timeline ends if var Slide21Visited = F.
  • On slide 22, adjust var Slide22Visited = T when timeline starts (or some other trigger)
  • When they go back to slide 21, the slide should not autoadvance because the var is now T