Resume video after exiting course

Sep 25, 2018

Has something recently changed in Storyline 360 regarding the saved state of videos? I created a test course back in July with an exit/resume loop, which allowed the student to exit a video partway through and come back to the same place in the video (since you "completed" the video slide before exiting the course). I have this test course published in our LMS (Healthstream) and it works just fine (video screenshot from the LMS attached). However, now the original Storyline course doesn't do that anymore - it takes you back to the beginning of the video. I tried to recreate this on another test course and even tried “Resume Saved State” with no difference, even after putting into the LMS. This is a feature I really like with long videos. Any suggestions?


50 Replies
Katie Riggio

Oh no, Phil. I'm sorry you're facing this issue!

Since your Storyline 360 version and revisit settings check out, I'd love to help troubleshoot if you're comfortable with sharing your .story file. You can attach it publicly here or share it privately by using this upload link. I'll delete it after taking a thorough look!

Smita J


I'm facing the same issue for Storyline 3. If user exits while watching a video, when resuming, the video restarts, even when "Resumed saved state" is selected for the video page.

Anyone else come across this issue? Can this be fixed for Storyline 3 as well please? All updates are installed for storyline 3 on my machine.

Vincent Scoma

Hi Smita J, 

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this snag!

Since you are on the latest version of Storyline 3, are you able to share your file with me for further troubleshooting?  You can share files in this thread, or you're always welcome to share it privately here. I'll let you know my findings and will delete it after having a closer look!

Mary Gregg

I had also come to a road block on this same topic until I found this discussion.

It is disappointing that the Storyline 360 User guide does not provide better clarity on this particular issue.

In fact, the example used in the Slide Properties, Resume saved state section of the user guide states:

For example, if the learner was in the middle of a video when they navigated away from the slide, the video will resume where it left off when they return to the slide.

Probably the main reason a learner would navigate away from a slide in the middle of a video would be to close the course and come back later.  

I build a course with a 40 minute video translated into 4 languages and couldn't understand why Resume saved state wasn't working. 

I have now implemented Steve's fix with an exit loop.  Thanks Steve for providing the example.  It worked wonderfully!

Steve Hazelton

Hi Bofan -

Did you also create the Exit Loop slides? I don't know about Saba, but in our LMS, going back into a course will take you to the beginning of the timeline for the last slide visited. The Exit Loop brings you back to a different slide first instead of the video slide. Then when you go back to the video slide, the video resumes where left off.



Michael Anderson

Ah yes, I've used this technique before. Thanks for the clarification. I tried to use this technique recently to save the playhead time in a video inserted with the VideoJS player, only to find out that in Scorm 1.2 and 2004 custom variables are saved only once and are not updated on subsequent exits from the course.

Chris Stowe

So, I read through this thread to find out if users can resume a video from the last location if they exit the course.  From my understanding,  Storyline360 does not have this capability.  Is this an accurate statement?  I don't want to have to do any crazy workarounds for a feature that should be pretty standard.  Please advise

Mayuresh Saka

Hi Maria,

Thanks for the suggestion, I have gone through the possible threads and also the one you have suggested and it does not go with our client. They do not prefer to have a close/Save button, instead would prefer the default Resume/Restart of storyline.

As Chris said above can we have fix for this instead of workaround. 

Kent Meloy

Checking in on this. Looks like this has been an issue now for what, four years???  Our training team spent a great deal of effort to convince our management to buy Storyline so we could dress up our training materials.  We're using Docebo as our LMS, and about 80% of our content is video based. I'm startled that something that apparently used to be a feature is gone and still hasn't been addressed. I looked at the feature roadmap and no news there.  Le sigh. Not happy about this.