Returning to a scene when completing a scene (Scenes are referenced by other scenes)

Nov 13, 2019

I have looked for a solution to this issue and have seen lots of good ideas, but nothing seems exactly perfect. I have a scene (3 in the image) it has menu options that jump to other scenes (7 for example in the image). At then end of scene 7, I need the learner to return to the menu in 3 to finish the rest the other topics. I think I can do that. The issue is that another scene (scene 6) also references scene 7. So when going through scene 6 and getting to 7, the learner needs to return to 6. 

I thought it was best to only have one scene so when I update content, I only have one place to update and all references to that scene are update.

3 Replies
Wendy Farmer
Wendy Christopher

So when going through scene 6 and getting to 7, the learner needs to return to 6

So from Scene 7 they don't return to 3?

you should be able to use variables to control where the user goes. 

Create T/F variables for the scenes e.g. scene7, scene3 and default to false.

On the last slide of each scene, adjust the variable to True and then when the user does something on that last slide send them to where you want depending on the variable that has been changed. (you may need to have conditions that include more than one variable condition in the event they have completed more than one scene)



Wendy Farmer

Hi Wendy

depends on your setup if you want to force them to do the scenes in order then you could disable each scene button until the previous one is done.  However if they have ability to do in any order then variables will give you more control over what happens when.  

Shout out if you need more help.

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