scenes numbering

May 16, 2012


I'm currently working on a project with lot of scenes. These scenes seems to be numbering in a default (creating) order. Is it possible to change this numbering to have a linear presentation?<

Example : my "starting scene" have an "13." Can it be just "1." ?

87 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Totally agree Caesar - I still feel like I'm learning after a few years here! 

Susan, there isn't a way to change the overall numbering as it's assigned based on when you added the slide. It is referenced within the Word document and how it's organized for printing there, but there isn't a way to change you. 

Michele Pietropaolo

Since these comments are from several years ago, I am wondering if anyone found the solution to this problem?  I am having the same issue in SL2 with the numbering of the Scenes.  I make my scenes as I go, when the department manager and SMEs requests additional information I create a new scene and the number shows as the last scene as does the number of the slides (10.2, 10.3) when they should be Scene number 3 or 4.  I also publish to word for final sign off of the project and would like to know if there is a way to fix this.  Thanks!  

Michele Pietropaolo

Hi Leslie,

I am not sure how I received this since you are referring to a person named Marcus....odd. I just wanted to let you know that I received your reply instead of Marcus.

Thank you,
Michele Pietropaolo
Reimbursement Training Specialist
Business Process Improvement, Reimbursement
412-968-3333 ext. 15520 phone
866-567-7615 fax

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Michele!

I apologize for any confusion. I was replying to a thread and it looks like you've been a part of it before, which is why you would get subsequent notification.

You are welcome to pop into the forum and unsubscribe from this thread if you wish:

Looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email as well. You can remove that if needed - quick Peek video here if you need help.


ruth culmer

The learner DOES see it in our LMS. As a result, the number sequence shown on the player does not synch with the actual story from scene to scene, especially since I have a main menu from which the rest branches. Our company will not allow us to take out that side bar menu on the player. I am a new user and might not yet be calling things by the correct name. I have added an attachment that will helpfully hope explain my issue.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ruth,

Where are they seeing the slide/scene number inside the LMS? Those numbers would carry over to the Storyline Player menu - but you could also look at disabling that from appearing in the menu. Take a look at the tutorial here for changing the menu and items included (Storyline 2 - but you'll see similar options in Storyline 3/360).

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