Score 0 on client's LMS

May 29, 2014

Hello everyone!

I have produced a course for a client that is tracking completion when the learner has viewed all the slides. However, the client has complained that after they complete the course, their LMS is showing a score of 0, even though the course is marked as complete.

They have specified that they don't want the course to show any score to the learner in their transcript (Not even 0), is there a way to do that from Storyline? Or is it more of a setup in the client's LMS? I have checked quite a few times the publish settings in Storyline and I am positive the course is tracking completion when all the slides are viewed.

Thanks and any help is welcome!


5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julio and welcome to Heroes! 

It sounds like the LMS tracks completion and success and that's why you can see it's completed but it's looking for a score as well? When publishing Articulate Storyline content to a learning management system (LMS), you have four reporting options from which to choose:

  • Passed/Incomplete
  • Passed/Failed
  • Completed/Incomplete
  • Completed/Failed

 To report both completion and success statuses, you'll want to choose either Passed/Incomplete or Passed/Failed when publishing Storyline content. Completed/Incomplete and Completed/Failed report only the completion status. Can you check which option you selected for the reporting option?

You may also want to review this article on troubleshooting common LMS issues with reporting and tracking. 

Pathways Dev

Hi Everyone and thanks for replying!

Sharon - The client is using SumTotal.

Ashley - I have chosen Passed/Incomplete when publishing the course.

Philip - I figured the same but the client told us one of the courses they installed in the past reported a score of "--" instead of "0". They are asking the person who managed to get this score reported to their LMS.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julio,

Are you required to use Passed/Incomplete per your LMS? If not, I may suggest switching (or at least testing it) with one of the other options that only reports on completion status. 

The other option if it's always going to record a score and there is no way to change it in the LMS would be to track by visiting a particular slide and setting a score to 100 there. 

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