Scrolling panel in slide master?

May 31, 2013

I need help getting scrolling panels to work from the slide master. Here's what I'm doing:

-- View > Slide Master

-- Click on a layout and go to Insert > Scrolling Panel

-- Set the panel to the correct size and location

-- Insert > Text Box

-- Set the text box to the correct size

-- Drag the text box into the scrolling panel

So far, so good. The scrolling panel works here on the slide master. However, when I Close Master View and use this slide layout for a new slide, the scrolling panel and the text box are not joined, and I have to redo one or both of them to get the text to scroll correctly.

Is there another way to do this? Is there a way to put a scrolling panel on the slide master and have it work on the slides themselves?

Thanks for any help!

12 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Ah, I see. I'm not sure you can achieve what you're after. But someone may jump in and explain how you can!

Your text box that's attached to the scrolling panel on the master is blank.

The text box (with text) that you've placed on the slide that uses that master layout isn't attached to the scrolling panel. It's just sitting on top on the slide. Do you see what I mean?

Louisa Fricker

Hi Michael - interesting suggestion! I tried it but it's not working properly yet. (It's shrinking my text to the point that it's unreadable, regardless of resize/autofit/shrink settings I use for the text box.) I'll keep playing with it though. I haven't used variables much and might need to get a better handle on those first. Thanks!


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