Search Function With a Restricted Menu

Apr 15, 2022

Hi there, I appear to be having the opposite issue in Storyline 360 that others have had in the past:

I have a client that uses a restricted menu but also uses the search function. The problem is, even when the user has accessed a slide, they still cannot access it from the search menu, making the search functionality kind of pointless. Is this a Storyline bug, or is there a way to change it so the user can access slides in the search that they have viewed (that doesn't involve making the menu free).

Also, it would be nice to have the option that slides that are removed from the menu can be excluded from search results. I have an assessment the user is not supposed to freely access, but it shows up in the search results.

8 Replies
Michael Marcos

Hello Scott, 

We weren't able to replicate the problem described here when we reviewed it back in January. I also tried in in the current release with the same parameters and couldn't get Storyline to exhibit the behavior described in the original post. I would like for our support team to work with your file closely. If the support email doesn't make it to your inbox, please check your spam, junk folder, or email filtering rules.

All the best,

Mike Marcos

Matt Walsh

Hi Mike,

The last e-mail I received from support (Renato Tescon on 4/21/2022) said you were able to replicate this issue. I never heard back from anyone after that. Here are the steps I sent support that he said he could replicate:

  1. Make sure course has a restricted menu (not sure if it matters, but we are using the "classic" player style.)
  2. View all of the slides.
  3. Enter "slide" into the search function.
  4. Click on one of the slides in the results that you are not currently on.

On my end, clicking on the slide does not allow you to go to that slide when the menu is restricted, even though the user has already accessed that page.

Unfortunately, we had to send it to the client with both bugs in it (also the search function taking them to slides they were not supposed to have access to that were hidden from the menu). 

Michael Marcos

Thank you Matt, I see that case. I'm not sure what happened there but testing in that version does show some problems with getting the menu to navigate visited slides in Classic mode as you mentioned. In the latest version, what I'm noticing is that while the Modern player doesn't replicate the behavior, there seems to be some sort of wait time before the visited slides can be accessed using search using the classic player. I think we need to dig into this more, but Josh's issue seems to be the opposite where he is having to use the classic version to get around the issue. I believe it's best to deal with these two different behaviors independently to avoid any confusion. 

Content Team


I am using Storyline 360 update 86. I am facing an issue with Storyline search. When I am searching it shows the slides but when i clicking on the Slide title text or tick icon on the right side, it is not jumping on that slide. So there is an issue in Storyline with slide name text and tick icons. I am attaching the recorded video. This issue comes when I make menu "Restricted".