34 Replies
Rob Shaw

Hi Math,

I came across your example for moving an object using x/y values.

How would I go about moving multiple objects. I have tried grouping layers and using the array ref for the grouped layer, but it will only move the first layer in the group and not all the others.

Would a while loop be able to go from layer 3 to 50, for example and then move all the objects on those layers?

Example code would be great if you're willing to look at this, I know this is an old thread...

Math Notermans
Rob Shaw


I've been playing with the code and while I can get it to work with one group, I can't figure out how to make it work with multiple groups.

The issue I've got is that I've got buttons with states, when grouped, the whole group changes state on hover and click.

I've tried separating them out into 12 groups, and I'm trying to use the code below to move the groups, but it doesn't work.

gsap.to( allGroups[0].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -808});
gsap.to( allGroups[1].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -692});
gsap.to( allGroups[2].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -576});
gsap.to( allGroups[3].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -468});
gsap.to( allGroups[4].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -459});
gsap.to( allGroups[5].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -344});
gsap.to( allGroups[6].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -344});
gsap.to( allGroups[7].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -229});
gsap.to( allGroups[8].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -113});
gsap.to( allGroups[9].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: -17});
gsap.to( allGroups[10].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: 96});
gsap.to( allGroups[11].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: 212});
gsap.to( allGroups[12].parentElement, { duration:0.5, x: 328});

I should point out I've got the screen divided into 10 sections, with shapes reacting to hovers to move my group horizontally back and forth across the screen.

Using just one group [0] with all the objects inside it works fine but I get the hover issue.

Can you help?


Math Notermans

The group hover issue is a known Storyline bug. Articulate acknowledged that and they told ( quite some time ago ) that they are looking into that. I do hope they will fix that soon.

Why your code isnot working i cannot tell directly...maybe good to share a sample of it, then i can quickly test and see....else i need to rebuild something like this.
On a sidenote...the console is your best friend ;-)