Shifting of Animated Objects into Storyline

Jun 07, 2016



I have an animated object, which when transferred to storyline 2 becomes static. i am not a graphic artist/designer. How do I transfer the animation to storyline. Please help ASAP.


PFA the PPT file for your reference.



16 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chetana,

If you need both slides, I'd go with the suggestion of inserting both of them as separate videos/slides. As Wendy mentioned, without knowing how you want the sequence to run in Storyline it's difficult to entirely update your file, but I'd look at using the same video instructions Wendy shared. You can find information about adding in the videos as detailed here. 

Zeeee Veee

Thanks for the response Ashley. You have mentioned in your email that I can
insert both slides as separate videos. However, while exporting the
animation as videos I selected only one slide but both the slides got
converted into video ( a single). Do I need to save the slides as separate
PPTs? Please suggest.

Also, I when I exported the slides as videos into SL2, I got extra master
slides. Do I need to delete the extra slides?
Please suggest.


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Chetana!

I looked at some Microsoft documentation and it appears that the option turns your presentation into a video, which would include all slides. If you need them to be separate, you could create two files. I do not have any first-hand experience with this functionality and do not support Powerpoint.

I'm confused on your second question. You should be adding the video to your Storyline project as explained here.

Zeeee Veee

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for the reply.

Actually the client has given animated PPTs only. There are several slides
in each PPT. There is no instruction as to how things need to be done. We
have to follow the PPT animation. That is why I was bit concerned about
loosing animation effects.

I have been following the method of converting PPT into videos and then
embedding into SL2. However, if you have a better option please feel free
to suggest.


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