Show/Hide feature on timeline

Jul 13, 2012

I am currently making a "timeline" through the history of our company...and in order to work on it, I am continuously showing/hiding the pictures and text  to work on each section.  However, when I go to preview the slide, I have to unhide every single object individually so that they will show in the preview form.  Is there a way to show/hide ALL of the pictures together rather than clicking each one separately?  It is just very time consuming the way I am doing it right now. Thanks!

6 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Hi, Kelly! 

That's one of the first things I asked for early in the beta--an easy way to hide all or show all objects. It'd be nice to have a button or a content menu option to do that.

In the interim, try this, go to the first eye icon that you want to hide things, left click on it and then keep holding the mouse button down and then go up or down over the other eye icons for objects you want to hide.  Release when done.  Best to do this a bit slowly to catch all the ones you need.

Do the same thing with the same icons you need to reverse so they are not hidden.

Not the best but it's something.  When have 30 or 50 objects on a timeline and need to go back and edit things, this becomes a major pain.

In the interim, I'd file a feature request on this for Articulate's consideration.

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