Show Next Button from the start when revisiting

Aug 27, 2014


I have a Next Button which displays with 2 seconds left in the Audio to ensure all users view the slide before being able to move to the next slide.

I would like to be able to then allow users to see the Next button from the start of the Slide only when they revisit the page.

Is this possible?

4 Replies
Helen Tyson

Hi Darren

Create a T/F variable with a default value of False and set the Trigger::

  • Adjust Variable
  • {yourVariableName}
  • =Assignment Value True
  • When Timeline starts for Your Button

Then add a second trigger:

  • Change state of
  • Your Button
  • Normal
  • Timeline Starts
  • Slide
  • IF {yourVariableName} Equal to True

This should make your button visible from the time it becomes visible.

One thing to note, you will need a variable for every slide you want to control this way.


Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Nadia.

Thank you for reaching out!

I think the original post's idea was that the audio would not replay the second time, but the button would still show up. In that case, revisiting would be set at Resume saved state

The alternative I would suggest in your case would be a button to restart the video. You can add a trigger that says Play video when the user clicks restart button.

Let me know if this works!