Show Results Slide After Certain Slides are Visited

Jun 01, 2015

In my course, I want to reward learners for prioritizing a list of tasks and completing the content in a timely manner. As it is, they can visit slides in any order they wish, but I'd like to display a "congrats" slide once they've visited the right slides (I've built in layers and slides that ask them to make a decision). I'd also like to display a "good try" slide for learners that don't make all the right decisions regarding the content. So in summary I'd like to

-Add a timer to the entire course, and stop learners after 20 min

-Show a congrats slide after certain slides are visited

-Show a good try slide after certain slides are visited

2 Replies
Gary Collins

For your timer this post may help:

As for showing your slides you could do this easily with variables and triggers.

Initial thought:

You could increase a number variable each time they visit a correct slide. At the end of the slides you check to see if the number matches the amount of correct slides they should have visited, and if it does jump to the 'Congrats slide' if not jump to the 'Good Try slide'.

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