shuffling in drag and drop

Nov 14, 2012

Hi, I would like the order in which questions appear to be shuffled in my drag and drop interaction, but on replay they seem to all cluster together according to their target box. Not sure what I am missing here. I have selected 'shuffle answers'.

28 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi Rachel,

I'm happy to look into this with you! 

The graded sequence drag-and-drop question should shuffle by default. Here's a short recording and screenshot of what I'm seeing when previewing a sample Storyline 360 Update 40 slide:

The shuffled answers won't appear on the slide during authoring, but will display during preview and in the published output.


  • What update of Storyline 360 are you using? Click on the Help tab and then About Storyline.
  • If I'm off-base, would you mind sharing a sample slide so I can try to replicate the experience? You can share it privately through this upload link.