SL 360 help with coding so final assessment cannot be accessed in player menu until other lessons are complete

May 20, 2024

Hi! Any help is appreciated. We are using a menu screen that is set so that a learner cannot take the assessment until they complete previous activities in the Course Menu screen. That part is working. However, the client also wants all of this to be shown in the SL Player menu as well. I have added a slide based on variables that intercepts and takes the learner back to the Course Menu slide if the activities are incomplete. However, after clicking the Final Assessment slide in the player menu, it shows checked and I would like to reset that to not checked. Any other ideas or a way to code triggers for this?

1 Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi Kris,

Have you set the course navigation to restricted? This would allow learners to view the current slide and any slide they've previously viewed, but they can't use the menu to jump ahead or skip over slides. Here's a similar thread that may be helpful.

Additionally, if you're willing to share your .Story file, It would be great to take a look at what you're describing!