SL 360 not publish correct CC text while working with multiple language CC text in single course

Jan 31, 2020

Hi Team,

Basically I have different scenes in my storyline file for different language and I have added the respective close captions text in the audio file for the respective language in their respective scenes. 

I am facing a weird issue in my publish output, I am not getting correct CC text. English scene is showing french language CC text, french showing Japanese text and sometime it just shows unknown language. Please note this is happening in the publish output, however there is no issue while I preview slide/scene/course. 

Please suggest how can i fix this.

1 Reply
Katie Riggio

So sorry you're seeing that, Vishwa!

I'd love to help troubleshoot your closed captions if you're comfortable with sharing the .story file. You can share it privately by using this upload link, and I'll delete it after taking a thorough look!

Also, is the published output hosted on a web server or a learning management system?

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