SL360 window size changes when click Minimize and then click to re-open SL from Windows toolbar

Jan 23, 2017

Has anyone else found their SL360 window size doesn't say full screen when they click Minimize then click to re-open SL360 from the toolbar in Windows? When I click to re-open SL, the SL screen size has reduced and I have to click Maximize a couple of times before it goes back to full screen. 

9 Replies
Elissa Purtell

Here is the Peek recording:

OS: Windows 8 Version 6.3 (Build 9600). 64bit. 

Here are my screen resolution settings for my external monitor:  

Screen Resolution

Note that this behaviour doesn't seem to occur when I switch to my laptop screen, so I think the issue is related to these screen resolution settings, however I do not have this issue with SL2. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hey Elissa,

Thanks so much for your patience and for sending the Peek. It's incredibly helpful for us to see exactly what you're seeing on your end. A number of us tested this issue, and we saw varying degrees of the behavior on different operating systems and set-ups. We aren't able to narrow down the cause of the issue at this point, but I have shared all of this information with our Quality Assurance team for further testing. As soon as we receive an update, I'll be sure to pop back into this thread and share the information here. You'll receive a notification because you're now subscribed to this post. :)

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Christine, 

This is still an open issue for Storyline 360, and as Alyssa mentioned earlier it was something inconsistent for even our team to replicate. Can you take a Peek of the problem? You can include the "Share" link here in your reply. The more information we can have about how to replicate this, the better! 

Boston Cooper

With me, It stays minimized for ever.

Tried the following:

Changing to all available Display Resolutions
Windows + F10
Alt + Tab
Right Click
Toolbar´s Upper Right Corner (x) at the SL360 mini-screen
Change to aplication via Task Manager
Open another SL360 project

I did a hard close through Task Manager

+Sharing my screens+

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