Slide advance automatically when layer completes audio

Nov 16, 2017

I have a slide with 4 different layers set to advance automatically.  Each layer has a different audio length. The automatic transition seems to be triggered by the timeline on the base layer which has no audio at all.

Is there a technique to tie the auto slide advance to the completion of the layer?

7 Replies
Sam Carter

First, thanks. It's a little unsatisfying though.  The seekbar will only represent the base layer. This makes it necessary to suppress the seekbar which doesn't represent the layer's audio duration.  Each layer will need a trigger to auto advance at end, and the base layer must be reset from auto to "by user".

This is what we will do.



Wendy Farmer

Hi Sam

Not sure I understand. You can pause the timeline of the base layer when a layer is playing so it will show the layer timeline

See attached quick sample (in SL2 as I wasn't sure which version you are using) just with shapes on slide not audio to see if that works how you want. Only has one layer.

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