Slide Navigation Controls Font-Weight

Oct 01, 2013


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but I can't see that it has.

The font-weight of the Slide Navigation Controls (PREV/NEXT/SUBMIT) appears to default to strong/bold and cannot be altered. is there any way to change this please, as the text is barely legible in many common fonts, such as Arial and Calibri.



7 Replies
Steven Usher

Hi Ashley, thanks for the response. However, I was aware of the ability to change and the implications thereof, my issue is with font weight. It only ever shows in bold/strong. And for all fonts I have tried so far this make the text illegible when the text label has been changed to lowercase on the prev/next buttons.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Steven, sorry I missed the part about font weight. I'd suggest that you may want to submit this as a feature request.  You could also look at creating your own custom buttons (and disabling the ones on the player) if you wanted to change the font weight and size to fit your needs more specifically. 

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