Slides publish in a different order than preview

Jun 16, 2014

I have just completed my first course in Storyline, and published it Friday afternoon through Traincaster.

One of my triggers to go to a slide works fine in preview and it looks fine in the Story View, but when I publish it the slides for one scene are in a different order. This is how it should publish:

2.1 goes to 6.1 (Data Files) then the two following slides, returns to 2.1.  6.4 is a separately selected button (New Inspection).

However, for some reason when I select 6.1's button (Data Files) it goes to 6.2, next to 6.3, then next to 6.4.  It will never go to 6.1.

Here is the view of the triggers

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


10 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Missy and welcome to Heroes! 

I took a look at your test file (thanks for sharing!) and here's the behavior I saw:

From slide 1 - I clicked on the files tab and used the "Data files" button. 

That brought me to slide 5.1 - and I used the next button to go all the way to slide 5.3 

When I clicked next on slide 5.3 I returned to slide 1.1 and then used the other button to go to the Autoreported video slide in scene 5. 

Everything seems to be working as designed here. 

Missy Daniels

Thanks for looking at this so closely.

I have added two videos to the first two slides.   The first one is "How it should work", and your right before I put it into my LMS it work fine.  The second one is "How it does work" and its a video after I up load it to my LMS, Traincaster.  Just don't know why it does it with just this one slide.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Missy,

Thanks for the videos. Were you able to test the version I shared with you at SCORM Cloud? If it works as expected there, you'll want to connect with your LMS team regarding why it may not be working when loaded up. A few things that you may want to look into - are you republishing the course? Could the older version with incorrect triggers still be accessible? Does the LMS behave oddly with other videos or jump to slide triggers (that aren't just next slide)?

Missy Daniels

Thanks for all your help Ashley.

The SCORM cloud version did work fine.  I think I'll try reordering the slides and redo the triggers, and then I will publish it under a new name.  I feel like your right it might some how be accessing an old version.

The LMS is acting fine with the rest of the course so it is strange that it is just this one trigger it refuses to acknowledge correctly.



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