sound and subtitle button

Aug 05, 2014

Hello everybody!

I made a module with a sound and a subtitle. I want to give the possibilitity to the learner to have either the sound or the subtitle or both. But they should have one of them.

You can see on the attached file that i already created the sound and subtitle button and made the triggers for that.

However, I have this problem :

When you arrive on the first slide you have the sound and the subtitle by default. So to test the buttons I clicked on the subtitle button to remove the subtitle (that was working), then I clicked ONCE on the sound button to remove the audio and there was still the audio. That's exactly what I needed. But the problem comes after. When I arrive on the next slide both button are off by default. I can understand for the subtitle button because I removed it on the previous slide and that's what I wanted. But because I clicked once on the sound button in the previous slide, it was taken into account on this 2nd slide. But I need to have the audio if the subtitle is off and vice versa in all the slides.

Can somebody help me to fix it.

Thanks a lot!

2 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Sherlina,

It looks like you're using the great example that Michael Hinze set up here

Maybe if you post back there Michael will see it and be able to help you out. I've played with it a bit myself. Initially it works for me, but when I go backwards it doesn't (when I hit previous). I've tried to fix it, but I've not been successful.

I did see what I think are some errors in the triggers..or at least they're different than Michael' this one:

You also have an AND condition on the change state of sound button trigger in the Master Slide.

Speaking of Masters, you have 8 different masters there. Do you need them all? If not, it's possible that this is part of the problem...perhaps one/some of your slides are using a "bad" master.

I'm annoyed that I couldn't figure this out (REALLY annoyed!!!), but I at least wanted you to know that someone else had taken a look, and I think if this can be tweaked somehow you'll be good to go.

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