Storyline 2 behavior on QHD screens is TERRIBLE, no scaling! Please Help!

May 22, 2015

I bught a new QHD Notebook - Acer A7 with 2560x1400 display resolution. Notebook has 13.3 display, win 8.1 and Articulate windows look so damn tiny that you can literally brake your eyes trying to look out for objects, buttons and etc. It is a pain in the eye trying to work like that. I have tried to change the scale of windows just to be able to work in Articulate properly, but sadly to no effect! It doesnt change anything in app scale. 

In such events, when hi-res displays are becoming a standart and even higher res displays like 4k are coming out, I think it is crucial for Articulate team to give users an update fixing that issues ASAP!

I just cannot work on my notebook, had to roll back to my old one coffin-look monster just for Articulate sake. And I am planning to travel soon, so I cannot drag both around and I dont want. Please solve that!

Maybe Windows 10 may solve that? Does anybody know?

85 Replies
Natalie Lett

Wow. Yes, I noticed that. And I hate to know that this issue has been ongoing for this long. Sorry for you! I really considered Storyline to be "top of the line" software. So I bought a "top of the line" computer to support it (better processor, increased memory, enhanced graphics card). Lo and behold... another obstacle. As I mentioned earlier, I never imagined this would be an issue. Come on!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jay, 

I know this thread is a bit older, and it's been a frustrating issue - but I'd ask that you remember this is a public forum and we have guidelines in regards to offensive language which you can read about here. I'd ask for you to edit your post to update that wording choice. 

As for the issue with high resolution machines, it is something we have shared with our QA team and our product development team, and currently as you mentioned it is considered a feature request but we continue to share the sentiments of users here so that they're aware the large impact it has on our customers to help prioritize this in development. 

Robert Lengacher

I'm posting this on as many related threads as I can find. Sorry if you are seeing this a second time.

Hey everyone. Fixing the tiny appearance of the Storyline UI on ultra high-def monitors is possible, BUT it creates much more serious issues when you do.

Adobe products experience similar UI shrinkage, and I was able to easily fix it on those products and in Storyline by following the instructions to create a custome MANIFEST file found here. the video version here

The problem is that when I try to either Preview or Publish, Storyline gives me the "Storyline needs to close" dialog. I'll keep messing with it, and will post some updates. Obviously, the next product from Articulate will need to be able to accommodate these new monitors as they are becoming much more common, especially in the mobile space.

Christien Lee

Thanks, Robert, for finding this.

One of the links you posted had some extraneous characters. Here's the correct link:

It's clearly not a perfect solution, especially as Storyline apparently crashes if you try to apply a custom manifest. However, it does show a way forward ... and perhaps fixing the bug that causes the crash when the custom manifest is applied is a relatively easy fix for the Articulate coders?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Robert for sharing that here - and I did pass it along to our QA lead for Storyline. I'm not someone who understand code, so not sure what they may be able to glean from it - but always worth investigating other ideas. Since it's a modification, we're unable to support it - but if you're able to get it working correctly please do keep us posted here so that other users can take a look at it as well. 

Natalie Lett

So, at this point. I'll have to return my newest purchase, and get a computer that supports this program. Does anyone have any suggestions of any new model laptops (currently on the market) that will support Storyline? I'm having issues understanding what to look for in the specifications. Nothing mentions DPI. My second option is to explore other software. I've heard Captivate works fine. 

Natalie Lett

Hmmm. Thank so much for your reply. Unfortunately, this is not a solution for my computer. Some aspects of the UI are still a little glitchy, especially when I need to preview the course. Most times, the program crashes. Additionally, I want to be sure that what I see on my screen is what my learners see. :(

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Natalie,

The DPI setting shouldn't impact the slide viewing and how it'll appear your users in the browser, but it will assist with the User interface of Storyline itself and how things like the top tool bar appear while you're working in Storyline. Working at a DPI setting as described and changing your overall display should ensure that things are working as expected within Storyline and if you're still experiencing other odd behavior we'll want to make sure that you're working locally as described here and then it may also be worth conducting the repair. 

dave campbell

Is there still not a fix for this? We have been using articulate to help save peoples lives in the healthcare sector. The lack of support by Articulate on simply updating the software to be compatible with high resolution display is pathetic. Reading this forum is seems it's been almost 2 years since being made aware of the issue. We have updated to Surface Pro 3 and 4 since November 2015 and since then it has been a nightmare to say the least with issues with the tablet and for Articulate Storyline 2 to compound it. Using the older technology is not a solution and the DPI setting does not work. We have been moving over to Captivate but so much older stuff was done on articulate that needs updating. I have direct influence on purchasing software for major hospitals and sadly this software will no longer be recommended. The time it's taking to reformat is taking awayfrom other work that needs to be done to help enrich and prolong the lives of many. Still, a software update would be welcomed with all urgency.

Christien Lee

In addition to the frustration of not being able to use Storyline effectively, it's aggravating that it seems the issue is not being taken seriously by the good people at Articulate. (Note that I'm not saying the issue is not being taken seriously: I suspect that actually it is being taken seriously, but the corporate response thus far gives the appearance that it isn't.)

I'm not trying to criticize Ashley (who is always patient, polite, and helpful), but we're repeatedly told that the team knows about the issue, but no fix is forthcoming, and we're repeatedly offered workarounds, but, frankly, they're clunky and either don't really work or lead to other problems.

I would like to see the following:

1. A clear statement that this issue is a priority.

2. A specific timeline for when the issue will be fixed.

3. If the issue won't be fixed for a while, an explanation as to why.

Jay Jack

I second to Christien Lee. And I do understand Dave Cambell. It is pathetic. And remarkably stupid, cos you will loose customers and you will loose a substantial market share, of all users using new computers and not beeing able to use your software. 2 years not having that fix - there is now excuse for that. It will cost you much more money in a long run, then just to hire a few extra programmers to fix that problem asap. The problem that makes your app unusable, not some minor bug. 

Leo Nunnink

I submitted a support ticket for this issue and received the following advice:

1. Make sure to set your monitor's resolution (both built-in and external) below 2,000 pixels in width and restart your machine.
2. Run Storyline.
3. If the issue still persists, reinstall Storyline following this article to reset its software components installed on your system.

Having reduced the resolution and restarted the computer, it is now usable. Not great, but better enough to use. Restarting the computer after changing the resolution seems to be what makes the difference.

So my workflow now, if I want to use Articulate, is:
-log out of everything else I'm doing
-reduce screen resolution
-restart computer
-start Articulate Storyline

That puts Storyline in a different (ie inferior) category to every other app on my computer. Is Articulate happy for Storyline to be such a pain in the neck to use? I wouldn't be if it were my livelihood at stake.  Perhaps it's time there was a software fix for this problem.

Christien Lee

Leo's right. It's frustrating to use Storyline now.

And it's frustrating to see that nobody from Articulate has responded to my (reasonable?) requests for (1) an acknowledgement that this is a priority, (2) a clear timeline for when this will be fixed, and/or an explanation for why it's taking so long. 

But the most frustrating thing of all for me is that my preferred e-learning software is no longer my preferred e-learning software. I suspect almost everybody posting in this thread feels the same way.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your patience and for continuing to share your experiences using Storyline on a high resolution display.

As a few of the staff here have mentioned previously, it’s something that we’ve continued to discuss with our Quality Assurance team. I wanted to offer a bit more insight into what’s happening and what our team is working on.

When Storyline was initially developed, we wanted to create a product powerful enough to enable rich new kinds of e-learning courses to be created. We realized early on that to create the user experience we wanted – from rendering the stage itself to our various panels and dialogs – much of the user interface code would have to be custom written to look and function in a specific way.

The landscape has changed considerably Since Storyline 2 was released in 2014. Microsoft started supporting scaling for high resolution displays in Windows 8.1, and increasing numbers of high definition laptops and external monitors are now available.

Our team is currently evaluating a number of different approaches that would allow Storyline 2 to scale gracefully on high resolution displays. Because of the amount of custom user interface and rendering code within Storyline, supporting these new devices is not as simple as flicking a switch. The changes required would be broad and impact all the elements of Storyline’s interface, so we feel it’s important to take a considered approach and make sure our proposed solution doesn’t introduce any unintended breakdowns. Although I don’t have a specific timeline today, I will share further information here once we’re further down the road.

In the meantime, please keep the feedback coming. You are the ones we’re working so hard for. The staff who monitor the forums are here to advocate for your needs, so rest assured that our product managers and quality assurance team are aware of this issue and are working to address the concerns you’ve raised.

Alexander Covan

You are a godsend for finding this. 
I just got a new 15" Windows 10 (3849x 2160 resolution) laptop to finish a project for a fortune 500 client.

Articulate needs to at lease send out a known issue and somehow get this solution pinned as a working solution on all of the 2 year old threads regarding Storyline's archaic compatibility issues.

Gosh, I love using this software but sometimes... 

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