Storyline 2 - file size when video remove

Dec 09, 2014

I've been working on a project with a number of video files. As expected, the file size for the .story file is quite big (600+MB). But what I'm finding odd is that if I delete the slides with the video and "Save As" to a new .story file, the file size doesn't get any smaller. And if I use the "Change Video" option to swap video files like-for-like, the .story file size increases as if I'd added a new video. Anyone else experiencing this?

31 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Oh no, Gregor! It shouldn't take that long. 

Curious if the issue happens in any course you are working on or just this particular one?

If you cannot re-create the issue in a new course, I would advise to import the file into a new one and proceed.

If it's happening in any/all files, you should certainly conduct a repair of your software.

You are always welcome to work directly with our support team here if needed.

Gregor Camplin

It is happening in all files, so I reinstalled the software. With no success as the file size after several open/saves remained the same.

In my opinion, the problem lies in processing of the background data. I conducted a test and deleted all slides from this project with exception of introduction (that only involves text). I saved it under a new name, but file size remained the same (730 MB!), meaning the entire project is being held in the background. That also explains an initial question in this discussion. I am awaiting further instructions on how to solve the problem (remove background data).

Gregor Camplin

Problem solved, many thanks to Articulate Support Team.

Test file (the one with deleted slides) shrunk in size the next day. Regarding my original file - there was no background data, the video was duplicated and hidden in one of the layers in project itself. After finding it and removing it from the project, its size shrunk as well.

Once again - great support from Articulate!

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