Storyline 2 Quiz Results Screen - Red and Green Circles indicate Correct/Incorrect Incorrectly

Mar 06, 2016

Hi All, we have a module that was produced in Storyline 2 by an external company. When some users get to the results slide, the circles are coloured incorrectly e.g. if a user got Q1 wrong, the % shows correctly but Q1 shows as green in the graphic and other Qs are shown as red.

It is not occurring with all users and we are trying to identify what is different about the users who are experiencing the issue. All users are on IE11 and we are confirming Flash now (I have v 20.00306 and it works correctly when I test it).

Has anyone else had this issue or have any idea about what might be causing it?

Many thanks!


9 Replies
Mirren Palmer

Thanks Leslie - sorry for the delay but the designers have now provided me with this dummy module which replicates the interaction we have been having an issue with.

We have continued troubleshooting with our users. Initially we thought it may be to do with Flash as they don't have it installed but even an HTML version did not work correctly for all users. The users' IT Dept is investigating why some users are able to view the HTML version correctly but not all - there appears to be something different in their Operating Environment but they have not identified it yet.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated as we have a significant program of training to roll-out. We can work around this specific issue but the root cause may cause other issues in the future so it would be good to resolve it now.

Thank you!


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mirren! I'm not seeing anything attached here for me to take a look at. Looks like you may have replied via e-mail which does not allow your attachments to come through, but does include your signature. Please be sure to pop into the forums and utilize the 'Add Attachment' options in the bottom left of the reply box. You are welcome to edit the last post you made to remove your signature if needed as well.

Mirren Palmer

Thanks Leslie - yes, we are publishing to an LMS. This issue is only happening to one group of users - we have had nearly 1000 successful completions - and what we are trying to identify is what the interaction requires to work correctly and what might be stopping it from working correctly for the 250 users that have the issue. Their IT Dept still hasn't been able to identify a possible cause in their environment. Any ideas appreciated!!

Many thanks,


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