Storyline 3 drag and drop bug

Dec 28, 2023

I need assistance.

I have created a drag-and-drop quiz where the mechanism is that the 'Submit' button becomes clickable only after dragging all options to the target areas. However, I've encountered an issue.
When I drag one option to replace another in the target area, the option that originally occupied that position is bounced back to its original location automatically (resulting in an empty target area on the screen).
Nevertheless, the 'Submit' button still appears in a clickable state.

I have attached the SL document for your reference.
Thank you in advance for your help.

5 Replies

Hi Louise,

Thank you very much for your response and suggestions. I've reviewed the thread from your suggestion, but unfortunately, that didn't resolve my issue.

The problem is that after dragging all options to any target area one time, the 'Submit' button would become clickable. However, what I need is for each target area to have a placed option (meaning no target area is empty) to let the 'Submit' button to become clickable.

Please kindly to watch the attached demonstrated video to better understand the problem that I'm describing.

Phil Mayor

Not so much a bug in storyline but expected behaviour.

The slide is a bit of a mish mash. You trigger to change submit to disabled is looking for if one of them is equal to disabled, but should be is not equal to.

Not sure why you are using drag over it might be better to use a custom state. The only way to do this well is to use states. You have a trigger to change to drag over but no triggers to change it off that state. It is difficult to do this for the built in bouce back function. You may be better using the drop correct/drop incorrect states and allowing them to change automatically.  Or you could remove the bounce back and build your own using motion paths and states which gives much better control. 



Thanks a lot for your suggestion, and sorry for getting back to you so late.

The deal with this project is, it's supposed to be a quiz based on what the client wants.
However, the tricky part is, users shouldn't be able to submit their answers until they've dragged and dropped all the images. I've been at it for a while, but still can't solve the problem.
Actually, I found the most nearest solution what I want is from Mr. Servan (one of the replies in a previous thread).
Buuut, the only thing is, his demo file had only two options.

When I tried to set up my file (which had four options) following his example, I just couldn't get it to work the same way, no matter what I tried. :(
I'm kinda stuck on how to get the same effect.

Ajay Kumar

Hi, Hope you are doing well. I have tried to solve your problem. In this, I have showed the correct layer on the submit button when the user places all the numbers on the right target boxes. Please take a look at the below review link:

Please let me know if you have any queries or reach out to me at