Storyline Drag and Drop Bug

Oct 24, 2018

Hi Guys,

Need help :(

I've created a simple drag and drop that has a trigger - "when all drag and drop items has been dropped, a continue button will show". But I found this bug, that when you drag a draggable item from a drop area (vice versa), my triggers seems not to work.

I've attached the SL file for your reference.

Thank you all in advance for the help.


19 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Erwin,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your .story file so that we could take a look.

I agree with David and it looks like you've set your Continue button up to be Normal when both Drag items are dropped and if you move them around, the Continue button is hidden again.

Can you explain if you're seeing something different or the steps to replicate the issue you are reporting?

David Tait

Hi Erwin, I see what you're describing now. 

This is actually an issue I've ran in to a few times too. The problem is caused because the drags don't reset to their initial states when they return to their starting point. I don't know of a way to make this happen but in my opinion it should happen automatically.

The only way around that I can see is for you to allow more than one drag to be dropped on a target.

Erwin Ancheta
David Tait

Hi Erwin, I see what you're describing now. 

This is actually an issue I've ran in to a few times too. The problem is caused because the drags don't reset to their initial states when they return to their starting point. I don't know of a way to make this happen but in my opinion it should happen automatically.

The only way around that I can see is for you to allow more than one drag to be dropped on a target.

Hi David,

Thank you for the advise. But I think as everybody know, 1 drag is the standard rule in drag and drop, or else users might get annoyed taking the activity :(

Is this something that should be considered as a bug that needs to be fixed in Storyline?

Hope we can find a solution for this soon.

Looking forward guys.


David Tait

It’s not for me to determine if this is a bug or not but it is a behaviour I’d personally like to see changed. 

I will respectfully disagree with you that a drag and drop should always allow only a single drag per drop. I have built more drag and drops where it is entirely appropriate for multiple drags per drop than I can remember. The options to configure drag and drops in all authoring tools I’ve used allow for this too so it isn’t unusual to build in this way. 

Erwin Ancheta

I totally agree with you David. Should I just leave this as is?

I guess this should be considered in the next version of Storyline.

Hi Leslie McKerchie, do you have any suggestions about this concerns?  May be there are still some workarounds that we can do?

Appreciate your time guys. Thank you very much.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Erwin and David,

I think it's worth considering if it's in your mind.

Would you be able to share your idea as well as a use-case with our team here? That would be really helpful.

Erwin - 

The state of the drag option not changing back to normal when snapped back to start point when you allow only one item in each drop target does seem like a bug that I'm going to share with my team.

Thanks for the great explanation :)

Erwin Ancheta

This is superb Rex.

Your triggers are so deep so I'm now having a hard time replicating this in my project hahaha.

I encourage you to create a Youtube tutorial on this. 

We are looking forward Rex! Excellent job!

@Leslie McKerchie hello! I've already sent a user-case on this. I suggest if you can check Rex's solution. If this is reliable, it is best to create a youtube tutorial then share this in articulate  community. Or otherwise, Storyline can make a way to simplify this kind of drag and drop scenario. 

Thank you all :)

Daniel Servan

Hi Erwin,

Good that like my drag and drop scenario.

Sure! I will create a video or anything that explains how it is being done.
In the meantime, I will explain the logic and processes.

Show the "Continue" button if S1 and S2 are at Dropped Correct states
Show the "Continue" button if S1 & S1-X and S2 & S2-X are at Dropped Correct states (if drag across)

If Drag 1 is dropped into Target 1, S1 is set as Drop Correct state
If Drag 1 is dropped into Target 2, S1 is set as Drop Correct state
If Drag 2 is dropped into Target 1, S2 is set as Drop Correct state
If Drag 3 is dropped into Target 2, S2 is set as Drop Correct state

Now checking if dragging across the targets
If Drag 1 is dropped into Target 2, S1 & S1-X are set as Drop Correct states
If Drag 2 is dropped into Target 1, S2 & S2-X are set as Drop Correct states

Now checking if the Targets across are taken
If Drag 1 is dropped into Target 2, while S2 is at Drop Correct state (meaning Target 2 is Taken)
   -> Reset S2 to Normal state
   -> Set S1 & S1-X to Drop Correct state
If Drag 2 is dropped into Target 1, while S1 is at Drop Correct state (meaning Target 1 is Taken)
   -> Reset S2 to Normal state
   -> Set S2 & S2-X to Drop Correct state

Now if both Targets are taken and drag across, we need to reset the other state S1/S1-X or S2/S2-X

If Drag 1 is dropped into Target 2, while S1 & S2 are at Drop Correct state (meaning Targets 1,2 are Taken)
   -> Reset S2 & S2-X to Normal state (because Drag 2 moved into its original position)
   -> Set S1 & S1-X to Drop Correct state

If Drag 2 is dropped into Target 1, while S1 & S2 are at Drop Correct state (meaning Targets 1,2 are Taken)
    -> Reset S1 & S1-X to Normal state (because Drag 1 moved into its original position)
    -> Set S1 & S1-X to Drop Correct state

In this situation, either Drag 1 or Drag 2 is at the Normal state because it was replaced and kicked after its dropped.

Now, let's assume that Drag 1 is at the bottom and we will drag Drag 1 it into Target 1 because Target 2 is taken.

   -> Set S1 & S1-X to Drop Correct state


Not it is the time to check the status of S1, S1-X, S2, S2-X status

If S1, S2 are in the Dropped Correct states, show the "Continue" button
If  S1, S1-X, S2, S2-X are in the Dropped Correct states, show the "Continue" button (if dragged across)


Note: (Shapes on the stage for indicator purposes)
S1: Status of Drag 1 if dropped into any Targets (S1 stands for 'Status Drag 1')
S2: Status of Drag 2 if dropped into any Targets (S2 stands for 'Status Drag 2')
S1-X: Status of Drag 1 if dropped into Target 2 (S1-X stands for 'Status Drag 1' that is dropped across)
S2-X: Status of Drag 2 if dropped into Target 1 (S2-X stands for 'Status Drag 2' that is dropped across)

By the way, this is a combination of a Freeform and Non-Freeform slide.

Hope this helps to understand the tricky drag and drop scenario.

I am sure, the HERO's here understand what I am doing. There might be the simplest solution, but for now, I come up with this one.

In the end, I really enjoyed doing this.

 My other comment was Flagged after 2 edits. Sorry about that and please ignore!

Kelly Doane

While we are on the subject of drag and drop (I know I'm late for the party) - can someone take a look at the attached file and help me troubleshoot a problem? Please :) I'm pretty new and this one is killing me!

There are seven d&d options that appear one after the other. Once dropped, they are supposed to disappear. All seem to be set up the same way, but the last two act differently. For the life of me, I can't see the difference or why they are acting differently. 

d&d correct order:

Equal employment opportunity

Employee personal information






It is the Alcohol and Respect items that seem to be giving me a fit! Either they won't hide on the drop or mark correct. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Kelly!  Thanks for sharing your file.  I changed two things, and it allowed your drag-and-drop to work as you'd like:

  • The final item should be going to the Respect drop target.  Form View shows it going to Rectangle 24, though.  So I changed the target in Form View:

  • The trigger to change the Non-disc 2 item to Hidden included both its drop target and the drag item itself in the "when dropped on" section.  I unchecked Non-disc in this dropdown in the trigger window:

I'm not sure why that trigger prevented the Alcohol item from hiding, but making those changes seemed to help.  Can you confirm on your end?

Kelly Doane

Thanks Crystal! I corrected your two suggestions and it partially fixed my problem. Then I discovered that the further off the window I drug the last option, the more likely it was to work correctly. Odd right! Anyway, I resized my drag text box to a small size and now it works! Must have had something to do with the text box not 'dropping' fully within the allotted drop parameters.

Either way, I'm up and running! Thanks for your help!!!

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