Storyline 360 embedded Engage does not auto play on Chrome

Mar 29, 2021

Hi all,

I am working with an embedded Engage accordion interaction in my SL360 course. On IE and Edge, it loads and autostarts, however in Chrome 89, it throws up the play button for the user to start the interaction. 

I know there were issues before with HTML5 audio and video not auto starting in Chrome but there were SL360 updates to fix those. Is this still the same issue with a new twist, or something endemic to Engage files through Chrome?



1 Reply
Becca Levan

Hi Dwayne,

Thanks for reaching out and describing what you're experiencing!

Without seeing your file, it's hard to say if this is a similar issue. Would you be comfortable sharing your file with us to see if we can replicate what you're experiencing?

Feel free to share it with our Support Engineers privately here, and we'll delete it once done testing!