Storyline Content Gets Skipped in Safari Browser

Nov 12, 2017

I have a Storyline HTML5 SCO that is being played in a custom LMS.  When viewed in a Safari browser there is a slide that is being skipped.  You can see that it quickly flashes as though it's about to start, but then the player skips right past.  This is not occurring in any other browser but when I view it in Chrome I see the this error - 'index_lms_html5.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause()' - in the JS Console that appears at exactly the same point.  I also have no problem with this same content when viewing in Safari on SCORM Cloud.

I'm the developer responsible for the LMS in question and I'm wondering if anyone can provide some suggestions for how I might handle this issue in the LMS.  Since there is no issue playing in SCORM Cloud I'm sure there must be something I can hack together to resolve this.

I'm able to provide the output package but I would prefer to send privately rather than sharing on the forum.

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