Storyline courses passing back score to LMS for every question

Dec 22, 2014

Hi all

I wonder if you can help.

All our Storyline (1) courses are passing back a score for each question into our LMS rather than just the final score passed back from the results page.

Any ideas why this might be happening?

Thanks in advance!

10 Replies
Louise Ward


Yes, this has been tested in SCORM Cloud and using the debug trace I can see the course is sending back a score after every question. In SCORM Cloud this is fine as it doesn't have a score history.

Our LMS adds each score once a course has sent a score back, which is causing the issue. This has not been an issue with Articulate Studio 09.


Louise Ward


Sorry for the delay. Here's the Storyline file.

It was my colleague who built the course, so at present I am unsure as to how he published or built the quiz. Though our standard procedure is to built a single quiz with multiple questions, so I would be surprised if he's built it any other way.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Louise, 

Thanks for sharing the file (and no worries about the delay). I talked with one of our senior support engineers, and he confirmed that the SCORM course will report to the LMS with each question to keep track of the overall score as the user continues. Once they reach the results slide, the LMS should recognize that as the final score (this is the behavior you see in SCORM Cloud). Have you reached out to your LMS team to see if there is a way to customize the scoring further or ensure it'll capture the final score from the results slide and use that to report to users?

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