Storyline failing to display items on stage

Dec 13, 2013

Hey all, have another query regarding Storyline just curious if any of you have had any similar issues of items on the stage failing to display? Have done the usual of checking they're not set to initially hidden and that no triggers are telling the items not to display but nothing obvious has surfaced so far. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advanced 


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Steve,

Without seeing the items you're referring to and the set up, it's hard to say but I'll start with the general recommendations:

First, ensure you're working with local project files:

  • Work on your local drive (your C: drive).Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, includingfile corruption, loss of audio, and other unexpected behavior. 
  • You should also make sure the directory pathto your project files and your published output is less than 260 characters(for example C:\Articulate).
  • Avoid using special characters, accents orsymbols in your file names.
  • Check that they haven't been hidden in the timeline using the "eye" feature - all eyes should be open. 
  • Check your DPI setting which could cause objects to be misplaced or displayed incorrectly. 
  • Try importing it to a new Storyline project to see if they appear. 

If you'd like to share your .story file here we're happy to take a look and if you'd prefer you can send privately here. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephen,

If it's happening sporadically, I'd also have the users check that they're up to date with the system requirements here.  If you're able to determine that it's happening in a particular browser or under certain conditions we're happy to also take a look. You can share your .story file here with us or if you'd prefer to share privately you can also send to us here. 

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