Storyline: Hand cursor during shape hover - Can I stop this?

Jun 04, 2014

This question was actually asked before on this thread:

But was not answered because the question was unclear....although it made sense to me!

Here's the scenario: I've set up a freeform pick many quiz like Jeanette posted here:

Jeanette set this up using shapes with states rather than hotspots! I know that with a hotspot, you can turn off "Show hand cursor on hover", but I'm wondering if you can replicate this with a shape state?

If I right click on my shape, I don't get the hand cursor option, so I was wondering if there was any other work around.

In my pick many quiz scenario I don't want the user to just hover around the image to find the hand cursors and pick those areas. I'd like to turn off the hand cursor if possible.

I hope this makes sense!

I really appreciate any feedback!!


29 Replies
Brian Allen

Went through the repair sequence for Storyline 360 and it's still behaving the same way for me. I've attached the .story file, let me know if you have the same experience with it or if it works for you, as well as if I'm doing something incorrectly.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Brian,

Thanks for sharing your project file. I can see that you already had the 'Show Hand Cursor on Hover' enabled for your hotspot. I checked our bug list and saw that we are tracking a known issue which prevents the cursor from changing to a hand icon when hovered over a hotspot. I went ahead and added this support case to the bug report so we can notify you as soon as a fix is released. Thanks for raising this, and we're sorry for any inconvenience the bug may have caused.