Storyline is constantly crashing

May 27, 2022

I'm getting the error "Your system appears to be low on memory". My computer has tons of free memory though. I have no idea what the problem is but it's been happening for as long as I've had this new Dell PC. Am i the only one having this issue?

I have to save after every keystroke in fear of a crash. 

19 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hello Havaleh!

I'm happy to help! It looks like Mat's files were saving to OneDrive which was causing the frequent crashing and error message. Are you saving projects to an external or shared drive like OneDrive, Dropbox, etc?

If so, I'd recommend saving your files locally like to a Documents folder or another folder saved to your local drive which is typically your C: Drive.

If that doesn't do the trick, please let me know!

Jose Tansengco

Hello Bureau E-Learning & Simulation Training MOC (DL),

Since you are not getting any error messages whenever your Storyline 360 installation closes, I'd first start with doing a repair of your Storyline 360 installation to see if this helps. If the issue persists, you can reach out to our support team by opening a case so we can take a closer look at your installation to figure out what's happening. 

Niveditha Poojary

I am experiencing the same. Storyline is constantly closing after a few changes/edits. Even while saving my files locally, still it showing low memory, but we have enough space.

PC Configuration: 
Processor: Threadripper 3990x
RAM: 64 GB
Storage SSD: 500GB
Storyline version: June 21, 2022 - 3.65.28121.0

Please help me out.

stacey feindt

If you have the graphics card: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics, that is likely your issue. That's what was identified to be my issue. There is a "memory leak" because the graphics card is essentially faulty. My layman's understanding is that the graphics card holds things in memory that it should be letting go of, so while you should have enough memory, you really don't. Not sure why this is called a memory leak. Google the phrases, "Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics memory leak" or "Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics crashing" and you will see that for devices that have this specific graphics card, the issue is not Storyline, rather it is the graphics card. Intel proposes updating drivers, but that hasn't worked for me. Articulate gives a possible workaround where you create "thumbnails" (which doesn't make any sense to me), but again, that idea doesn't work. In sum, any huge memory hog, like Storyline, will crash due to this graphics card issue. The folks at Articulate know about this, not sure why they aren't issuing a wider notice than this hard-to-find article,