Storyline Issues

Apr 20, 2018

Is anyone else having problems with Storyline acting strange?

I just did the latest update, and now gone of the courses I was working on has gone completely nuts...


e.g. Where click on an object showed a specified layer yesterday, now when clicked, the object disappears and doesn't show any other layer. Checked the triggers, nothing has changed. Deleted, re-built, same issue... 


Very strange.


Appreciate any assistance.

8 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Lisa.  I'd like to ask a couple of questions so I can offer you some next steps!

  • Is this happening on every course you attempt to publish?
    • If not, can you preview the entire project that is giving you the error message?  When you get that message when previewing and publishing a project, it might mean that something is corrupt.  I preview scene by scene, and then slide by slide to find the broken piece.  I'm happy to help with this process if you attach your .story file.
  • Where does your published output save?  You'll want to be sure to publish to your C: drive first, and then back up those files to another drive if you prefer.
  • Can you import the slides from that file to a new project and publish it successfully?

Let me know what you think!

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