Storyline Issues with Windows 8.1

Apr 10, 2014

Morning All,

This is my first post so fingers crossed I’m doing this right.

Recently we have had our work computers upgraded to Windows 8.1

With this new install we have re installed all local products, Storyline being one of them.

When i open the Storyline.exe the program does not open and displays a message - Articulate Storyline has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution.

Unfortunately no solution is found and the program will just close.

Can anyone please let me know if we are missing any settings.

I'm the first user to re install this so I’m expecting other users to experience the same.

Many Thanks



4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stewart and welcome to Heroes! 

You did it perfectly! 

Becky's pointed you in the same direction I would have mentioned, so I'd check into that first and then want to know if when you did the reinstall if you uninstalled it first. If not, try to follow the steps here to remove it completely and the reinstall it. 

Janita Abery


Whilst I appreciate that Stewart experienced this problem quite some time ago, I recently moved from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 and experienced the exact same problem. Luckily my super friendly IT guy was able to provide me with a solution. Do this:

1. When installing Storyline 2, right click on the storyline-2.exe file.

2. Select the 'Run as administrator' menu option.

Don't do this: double click on the storyline-2.exe file. I'm guessing Storyline sees you as a regular end user and refuses to install the software.

I hope this is helpful. :)

Kind regards,



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