Storyline - need direction with a text entry

Jun 08, 2022

Hi everyone, I’ve come up against an obstacle when creating a project in Storyline.

I uploaded a system recording into a new scene, selecting Test for a learner to click, type and navigate to demonstrate competence.

My issue initially was when a user needs to enter text into a hotspot (trigger: ‘set TextEntry1 equal to the typed value’) it appeared by the above trigger that the learner needed to enter in the exact same text I entered when filming the demo of the system originally (and not their name/ personal details) to get the part of the test correct.

As I uploaded the recording and the project split it into slides, I couldn't just have a blank slide (as it would show the system and other fields I reference), I tried inserting over my slide showing our internal system fields a Text-Entry box located off the Input sub-menu hoping it would allow free text.

When previewing the slide, it showed an incorrect repsonse (Although stating to "Type Text in Here", only accepted the initial data value I entered originally).

I can see the initial trigger in my solution so If that just needs to be removed that would be awesome, alternatively, if it cant be sorted I might just have to create the look of the system in a blank slide with using the uploaded content from this slide..

I don't know how clear I am being here, hoping for some help?

Thank you all in advance.

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Marcus.

Thank you for reaching out!

Without seeing your file, my initial thought would be to remove the freeform:

Screen Recording 2022-06-08 at 11.44.01 AM

This would allow the user to type any answer into the field, and the value would be stored in a variable, but Storyline wouldn't "grade it". 

Let me know if this works, or if this is not your specific scenario, please share the .story file, and I'm happy to give you additional suggestions.