Storyline Publishing Problems - Issues Communicating Completion to LMS

Mar 25, 2020


I am currently experiencing problems when I test my course in my company's LMS. Specifically, I can't get a "complete" status upon completing the course. Some details:

It is set as "incomplete/complete" in the reporting/tracking menu, and I have it marking complete when the user completes 64 out of 66 slides. It is a large file that I inherited when I began working in my position- coming to 1,566,316 KB. I do not currently have any active triggers on the final screen that could be contradicting the settings within the publishing tool. 

Any idea what I could be doing wrong here? I am unsure whether its an obvious fix or if its more in depth. 

Thanks for any and all help.

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Mallori and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for contacting us to share what you are experiencing with your published course.

You mention that this is happening in your LMS. Are you able to replicate in another LMS, such as SCORM Cloud, to see if you experience the same behavior? This is helpful to determine if the issue lies within the project file or the LMS.

In addition, when tracking by the number of slides viewed (you mentioned 64 out of 66) the user must view the minimum number to get the completion. If there is any branching in your course, be sure that the completion number is set to the shortest route possible.

Mallori Noe

Hi Leslie,

Question for you:

When it says "64 out of 66" slides, does that mean that the user has to view the slides in order? In other words, this particular course has slides that branch from the main course when the user does not answer a question correctly. Does the user have to view these in order for the "64 out of 66" completion to work? 


It doesn't matter *which* slides the users views, so long as it is a minimum of 64?

Thanks so much for your help.

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