Storyline360 save errors

Apr 09, 2019

I keep getting errors when I try to save my .story files.
All files are on my hard drive. I open a file, work on it, then click "Save" and I get an error message (do not have a screen capture) but it gives me the option to "Save As". When I select this I can rename the file and save it, but then in my folder I get the original file and some kind of auto-generated file (see folder screenshot). This does not happen every time, but frequently enough to be annoying.


I have cleaned out the temp files, but that does not seem to help.

8 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi Mark. Thanks for sharing those screenshots. Good work keeping your files saved locally. I've seen this error when there's anti-virus or backup software touching the file. If that doesn't match your setup, my next idea would be with the file path and name.

Can you experiment with creating a shorter file path, i.e. a single folder on your desktop where you save this project?
It might look like this: C:\Users\MJColomb\Desktop\Module3\ProjectName.story.

Let me know how those ideas work for you!

Louise Bredenhann

Hi Crystal, I have not posted on the forum before as I always find answers to my questions somewhere in the discussion boards but since about 2 weeks ago, I also have this "save" problem. I have the latest software updates installed and also tried to shorten the file path but it still happens. It seems as if it is connected to the auto-save feature - my autosave is set to every 10 minutes and within the 10 minutes I can simply use the save button. After 10 minutes there is a new version in my folder which I did not create. Example: I work on and save V3 of a story and after 10 minutes there is a V32 in the folder. To enable me to continue working, I have been juggling between Save As (V1) and when that number runs out I save as V2 then V3 and then start at V1 again, but this is not ideal. What should I check in terms of anti-virus or backup software as suggested above?

Mark Colomb

Any response from the support team on this error. It is still happening with a new twist. When I "save as" and give it another version number, go back and work on it some more, when I try to say again it gives me the option to "save as" or "overwrite" and it overwrites the original (not verions numbered) file.

This has caused some significant issues with us on version control.

I really hope there is a fix for this.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mark,

Thanks for following up. I was able to take a look at Louise's case and we did not hear back from her, so I do not have any additional information to share with you here.

I've opened up a support case on your behalf so that you can work directly with one of our support engineers to get to the bottom of the issue that you're seeing.

You should be hearing from someone soon.

Katie Riggio

Hi Esther,

Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry you're facing this!

A few related cases tell me that this problem could be related to having Carbon Black installed.

We want to understand the cause in your case, where our team can pull a few system logs. Please let us know if you can connect with our Support Engineers:

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