Submit button disables on wrong answer

Dec 27, 2021

Hi community,

I created a quiz in SL: simple using templates, straightforward forms (mostly MC), using built-in feedback layers (customized).

As I do QA (both as preview and published, viewing in 360 and in scorm cloud), all correct response selections get submitted and provides the appropriate feedback. However, when I purposely select ANY of the wrong responses for the same question (refreshed or republished), the submit button does not work (but will allow me to submit the correct response).

What am I missing here?


4 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Susan.

Thank you for reaching out!

Without looking at your .story file, my initial thought would be that this is related to the number of attempts allowed.

Windows 10 (1) 2021-03-09 at 10.42.34 AM

If you have more than one attempt, but you don't have a Try Again layer on your question slide, when the user chooses the incorrect one and submits, they have a chance to try again, but no message is given.

A simple fix would be to either change the attempts to 1 or create a Try Again layer. 

If that's not the case, would you be comfortable sharing your .story file either here or through a support case so we can take a deeper look?


Hi Maria, 

Merry Christmas to you and the community!

Thanks for the prompt response. Apologies for not making it clearer.

The user is not allowed multiple tries at a single instance, so there is no need/want for a try again layer. Rather they get the same feedback with only the labels (correct/incorrect) different. They will be allowed a second try only should they fail, before having a f2f consult.

I have attached a shorter version of the .story (deleted most questions). During the first test, I selected correct responses, got the appropriate feedback (correct). When I started over and purposely selected the wrong response, I only got the first question to ‘react’ appropriately, i.e., submit and provide the feedback (incorrect). But for the next questions, nothing happens when I press the submit (for incorrect answers, regardless of choice), but will submit for the correct response and provide appropriate feedback (correct).

Thanks again!



Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Susan.

Thank you for sharing the .story file!

I noticed that you have only one attempt on your first question, which is why this works (the feedback will be either correct or incorrect). 

On questions two and three, you have Unlimited attempts:


Windows 10 (1) 2021-12-28 at 9.01.50 AM

After they answer the question incorrectly and click submit, there is no feedback to show (Storyline expects the Try Again layer). Your options here will be to either change to one attempt or create a feedback layer for Try Again that can look the same as the one for Incorrect.

I hope this helps!