Submit button not working drag and drop interaction

Mar 13, 2020

Hi there,

I am having issues with the Submit button not working. Once I have done the drag and drop interaction and then click Submit nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong?

Please see example.

Thank you for your help



5 Replies
Maura Bear

Hello - I fooled around with your file. There seems to be something wonky with your submit button - probably some kind of bug. I deleted the button and created a new one and it seems to work fine. I took out a bunch of stuff in your file to slim it down while I was testing (sorry) and I changed all the answers to "Explanation". Open this file and move all your answers to that group when you take the test to get them correct - or test the incorrect by moving them to the other box. Seems to work fine now. I would delete your submit button and make a new one. Something is just wonky about it.

Design Hub

Hi Maura,

Thank you so much for your help. I am still confused as to why the submit button isn't behaving as it should.

What I did is import your slide into my project, and now when I go to preview the submit doesn't seem to be working when I get the answer incorrect. Which then jumps back to the Homepage when I click Try Again, which it shouldn't. Once the learner has completed lesson 3, then it will go back to the homepage, which will then show an orange tick that they've completed that lesson.

Slide no is 1.24 (see attached).

I'm not sure what is going on?

Hope you can help?



Walt Hamilton

I'm not sure what you want the buttons to do, but these are the triggers from slide 1.24. As you can see, the EXIT button completely leaves the course, and the TRY AGAIN button starts the course from the beginning, as if you had never started it. That probably gives the illusion that it is jumping to the Homepage. it is actually starting all over.


Walt Hamilton

Try changing those two triggers to do what it is you want to have happen.

I can't give a more specific suggestion, because I don't know what you want. I suspect a jump. Where do you want the learner to be directed when they click TRY AGAIN? change the trigger to jump to that point. Where should they go when they click EXIT? Edit that trigger to jump to that location.

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