Submit Results without submiting Interactions

Nov 13, 2019

Hello everyone,

I need to create a course in which i can have the variable "cmi.core.score.raw" with a value 100 in my LMS after I complete the course, but I don't want to get the information of how I answered my Interactions (so no "cmi.interactions..." in my LMS).

Does anyone know if and how I can do that?

HINT: I tried seting my course to be passed by trigger and by slides viewed, but I dont get the "cmi.core.score.raw" varible. If I track the course with a results slide, I get the Information on how I answered my questions (so I get the "cmi.interactions" Variables)...

5 Replies
Jerry Massick

Hi Nadine:

Per the data model parameter you used, it appears you are looking to publish your course as a SCORM 1.2-based course, and 'force' a Score of 100 to be sent upon 'completion.' If so, here's an idea you can try:

Add an "Execute JavaScript" trigger at the point in your course where you'd like to send the cmi.core.score.raw value of '100' to the LMS. For the 'Script,' add only the following line in the Script box:

SCORM_SetScore(100, 100, 0);

The above line of code will trigger the 'SetScore' function within the SCORMFunctions.js file that resides in the published lms folder. The three values you're sending in are the Raw Score, the Max Score, and the Min Score, respectively.

If instead, you were publishing as SCORM 2004, the same code would be:

SCORM2004_SetScore(100, 100, 0);

If you don't want to send the core.interactions data to your LMS, you can turn that feature 'off' by a simple modification of the Configuration.js file that resides within the published lms folder. Open the file and look for the parameter (line #38?) that says: "var DO_NOT_REPORT_INTERACTIONS". I believe its value is 'false' by default. Change false to true and save the file.

I hope these ideas work for you.

Enjoy your day!


Jerry Massick

Hi Nadine! I'm glad to hear that was helpful!

As a quick follow-up: I did a slightly deeper dive into the data flow for our own course, and I thought I'd share the following from what I learned:

In your scenario, where you know your targeted SCORM version and the 'fixed' Score parameter values you want to send, applying the suggestion above works fine.

In our case, we ended up needing to publish both a SCORM 1.2 and a SCORM 2004 version of our course. Instead of recoding specifically for each SCORM version, I realized that utilizing the more global 'SetScore' function that exists in the API.js file, located in the published lms folder, provided a more generic way of accomplishing the same task, and then some. What I mean by that is within the 'SetScore' function, there are 'checks' for each of the Score values to make sure they are within the 'proper' SCORM Score value type and ranges as a safeguard, and if there is an error, the invalid data won't be sent to the LMS.

Also, there is another configuration option available for only sending a Score that is 'higher' than a previous Score to the LMS, and allows for a 'Retain Highest Score' scenario. Some LMSs include this as an option, but not all. The parameter is called: "SCORE_CAN_ONLY_IMPROVE" and it is found in the same Configuration.js file noted in my prior response. It just so happens if you set this option to 'true,' the only place the option is 'checked' to see if it is 'activated' is in the 'SetScore' function.

Finally, if all Score values are valid (and, in the case where you've turned on the 'Highest Score' option, and the new Score is 'greater than or equal to' the old Score), then the 'SetScore' function hands the Score data off to the 'SetScore' function to the initailized SCORM version: SCORMFunctions.js (SCORM 1.2) file or SCORM2004Functions.js (SCORM 2004) file, for final processing like above.

Ok, maybe not so 'quick,' but hopefully this makes sense, and is helpful to you and/or others who find they have a need to do something the 'built-in' functionality won't allow them to handle out-of-the-box, yet still basically 'within the scope' of utilizing the standard code.

Take care, and happy course developing . . .

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