Testing html5 version in Browsers

Feb 04, 2017

I want to test my project's html5 version. In Safari I can block Flash in security/privacy settings, and I am fairly sure that it's then loading the html5 files.

In Chrome, I can block Flash similarly but when linking to my project's URL, the browser just displays 'right click to run Flash'.

Is there any other recommended way to force (particularly) these two browsers to run the html5 files?

n.b My iPAD is broken, otherwise I would use that!

14 Replies
William Johnston

I am testing Storyline 3 specifically to see how it behaves when Chrome's Flash setting is disabled.  When I upload to ScormCloud or Moodle, I get the same "right click to run Flash" alert.  In SL2, the application used to switch automatically to the "story_html5.html", but in SL3 it doesn't seem to do that.  Is there any reason for the change?

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