Text Entry Error - Unable to continue to next slide after typing and pressing a key.

May 24, 2024

I am unable to understand what's wrong here or maybe it's just Friday!

I have a text entry field where if they get it right (typing FM) and press ENTER, they progress to next slide (see screenshot for triggers). 

What's actually happening is I type FM or fm in this case and press ENTER, nothing happens except a new line break in the same text entry field.

I am maintaining someone else's source file so i am not sure how it links to TextEntry variable 58 (possibly system generated)?

3 Replies
Nedim Ramic

Unchecking the 'Multi-line' option in the Text properties will do the trick. When you press the Enter key in a multi-line text entry field, the default behavior is to insert a newline character (\n), which moves the cursor to the next line within the same text entry field. This creates many issues for us because Storyline will validate the input as 'FM\n' instead of 'FM', which we have set as the correct answer. If you, for whatever reason, need the 'Multi-line' option, I can provide JavaScript code to fix this unwanted behavior when the Enter key is pressed.