text on shape changing upon clicking

Sep 12, 2022

Dear all,

I am struggling with this - on my storyline slide - i have a freeform multiple choice question designed. The correct answer to that question is twenty eight however earlier twenty seven was written on it.While editing the slide, i corrected it to twenty eight. now when i click the twenty eight, it changes the colour of the shape on which it is written (a feature) but also changes the number to twenty seven.I am unable to correct it. Please help.  

1 Reply
Judy Nollet

It sounds like a broken connection between the Normal and Selected states (or whatever other state the object has). 

Go to the States panel, click the EDIT STATES button, and correct the text in the other state(s). 

  • Alternately: delete the bad state, and then re-create it by duplicating the Normal state. That should keep them in sync in the future. 

Here's more info about states: https://community.articulate.com/series/articulate-storyline-360/articles/articulate-storyline-360-user-guide-how-to-add-and-edit-states